Membership Fees 2024/25

Club Membership gives you the right to represent Salle Boston at the competitions, to attend training sessions according to the training schedule, to get instruction and book individual lessons at the discounted rate for club members .

Membership Fees must be paid in full. The holidays, exams, minor injuries and other events are not an excuse not to pay the club fees.

The fees can be paid:

in full, in September

in three instalments, in September, January and April.

monthly: by Standing Order -for a period of ten months (from September till June).


Membership Fees:

Adult 2 or more nights a week £800

Adult 1 night a week £600

Student/Junior 1-3 nights a week £600


Lesson fees

Lessons are booked directly with the coaches. All coaching fees are the same for all coaches. Lessons given within club times receive the members discounted rate. Lessons given outside the club times are at the usual £35 for 30 min rate.

Salle Boston members £25 per 30 mins(£12.50 for 15 mins, £50 for 60 mins).

Non members £35 per 30 mins.


Bank Details:

Salle Boston Fencing Club

Lloyds Bank




Guest Fee £20, paid on the night.


(Guest Fee is not a substitute for the club fees!)